Page 249 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 249
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
aterialists imagine that a world formed by
coincidences exists inside a universe they want
to believe is eternal and timeless. Yet there can
be no doubt that human beings—who use their
intelligence, found civilizations, manufacture robots, give rise to
the Internet, make use of all these things, think and understand
phenomena, feel doubts, engage in altruistic behavior, take pleas-
ure from a landscape, make efforts to establish the truth—are not
the work of chance. In the same way that no life form on Earth
came into being by chance, human beings—with their billions of
cells, the complex organelles inside each cell, glorious brain and ex-
traordinary appearance—cannot be the work of chance, either.
Contrary to what materialists imagine, nothing on Earth is co-
If there is nothing coincidental in people, or in what they do
and achieve, that means there must be purposeful consciousness in
them. If a person acts with consciousness, then there must be a su-
perior intelligence that created that consciousness, an Intelligence
that must be superior to everything that individual does, sees and
That intelligence belongs to Allah, Who created man from
nothing and breathed His Spirit into him.
A person will delight in beauty if Allah so chooses. If Allah so
chooses, he will make discoveries and invent technologies. If Allah
so chooses, he will compose music, play the violin or write books.
If Allah so wishes, a person will rejoice, sorrow, take pleasure,
worry or feel excitement. Enjoyment of music and beauty are by
Allah’s leave. Enjoyment of a lovely landscape, fine cloth-