Page 250 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 250

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                  ing, proper behavior, flowers, a rabbit, a painting or a cake is all
                  by Allah’s leave. No one can experience any of these unless
                Allah so wills it.
                     It is not physical matter that achieves these things; it is not the
                proteins that emerge from the food one eats. Nor is it the cells in the
                human brain. It is not the human brain for it cannot feel love. The
                brain has no capacity to enjoy music, cannot feel affection for a
                squirrel as it watches it frisking around. The brain feels no longing,
                no loyalty or devotion. The brain feels no nostalgia as it remembers
                its first day at primary school. The brain is merely an organ made
                up of fats, water, proteins and various chemicals. It is not brains,
                but human souls who love, rejoice, and feel shame and affection
                and longing as they remember. It is the existence of the soul be-
                longing to Allah that makes human beings human.
                     Whether or not people believe in the existence of the soul,
                they will still have to abandon their earthly bodies and render ac-
                count of themselves in the presence of Allah in the Hereafter. The
                faithful believe that they possess a soul bestowed by Allah. They
                and all the rest—deniers, materialists, Darwinists, those who op-
                posed the existence of the soul throughout their entire lives, those
                who say “We consist of a collection of neurons,” and “There is no
                Hereafter,” those who say “Matter is the only absolute”—without
                exception, all the souls who have ever lived will have to account
                for themselves in the Presence of Allah. Each will receive a perfect
                recompense for their deeds. Each will be judged with justice.
                     Whether a person admits to a 1% possibility of these facts be-
                ing true, or whether they “wonder” with regard to the fact of the
                Hereafter, they must now abandon all their erroneous beliefs and
                  do all they can to prepare themselves for the Hereafter by turn-
                  ing to our Lord, Allah.
                       It is always possible to redeem one’s errors so long as one
                      is alive in this world. Allah tells us in His verses that:

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