Page 61 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 61

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                 the light waves striking matter. It is im-
                 possible to claim that anything known
               as “heat” exists in the absence of a con-
               scious entity that perceives it.
                    Some photons have frequencies that
               fall between the ultraviolet and the in-
               frared. When these rays strike the retinal layer at the back of your
               eyes, they are converted into an electrical signal by the cells there.
               Thus we perceive photons, which are all in fact physical particles,
               as “light.” If the cells in our eyes perceived photons as “heat” par-
               ticles, then we would have no such concepts as light, color, or dark-
               ness; and when we looked at physical objects, we would merely
               feel whether they were “hot” or “cold.” The way the outside world
               appears to us depends on the way our senses perceive it. There is
               actually no light or heat there, in objective terms.
                    We are surrounded by particles of different frequencies and
               wavelengths. Only the perception centers in our brains make these
               “visible” and “detectable” for us.

                                                                  In essence, there
                                                                   are no heat and
                                                                 light outside. The
                                                                 perception center
                                                                  in the brain con-
                                                                    verts particles
                                                                  traveling at dif-
                                                                   ferent frequen-
                                                                 cies into a visible
                                                                  and perceptible

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