Page 88 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 88

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                     letter is a symbolic description of your bedroom.

                     What is meant by a symbolic description in the brain? Not squig-
                     gles of ink, of course, but the language of nerve impulses. The hu-
                     man brain contains multiple areas for processing images, each of
                     which is composed of an intricate network of neurons that is spe-
                     cialized for extracting certain types of information from the image.
                     Any object evokes a pattern of activity—unique for each object—
                     among a subset of these areas. For example, when you look at a pen-
                     cil, a book or a face, a different pattern of nerve activity is elicited in
                     each case, “informing” higher brain centers about what you are look-
                     ing at. The patterns of activity symbolize or represent visual objects
                     in much the same way that the squiggles of ink on the paper sym-
                     bolize or represent your bedroom. As scientists trying to understand
                     visual processes, our goal is to decipher the code used by the brain
                     to create these symbolic descriptions, much as a cryptographer tries
                     to crack an alien script.  51
                     But the mere existence of this map does not explain seeing, for as I
                     noted earlier, there is no little man inside watching what is displayed
                     on the primary visual cortex.  52
                     Richard L. Gregory offers this description:

                     It is important to avoid the temptation of thinking that eyes produce

                     When we look at a book, a pencil or a hu-
                     man being, a different nervous activity
                     goes into operation for each object per-
                     ceived. The higher brain centers are in-  Synaptic ending
                     formed about what we are looking at.
                     However, the countless chemical process-
                     es involved here are not by themselves
                     sufficient to account for sight, because
                     there is no little person observing the im-
                     ages in the brain. It is the human soul
                     that observes the external world and
                     draws significance from it.

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