Page 90 - Darwin's Dilemma: The Soul
P. 90

Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul

                  age forming in the brain even worse. A single location in the
                  brain presents us a world with countless distinct and flawless
                details, and non-stop. This is the technical and scientific explana-
                tion. Then, where is the “image”?
                     The Oxford University psychology writer Susan Blackmore

                     Crick* says that he wants to find the correlates of ‘the vivid picture
                     of the world we see in front of our eyes’ or what Damasio calls the
                     ‘movie-in-the-brain.’ But if the visual world is a grand illusion, then
                        they will never be able to find what they are looking for because
                            neither the movie-in-the-brain nor the vivid picture exist in
                              the brain. They are both part of the illusion.  55

                                    According to Blackmore, our feeling of direct
                                experience is simply an illusion. In fact, even the
                                  concept of illusion fails to fully clarify the posi-
                                    tion. An illusion is something that is detected
                                      when we compare events occurring in our
                                            minds with the physical reality.
                                              However, here human beings do
                                               not have direct experience of the
                                                world outside—in other words,
                                                of any physical realities. These
                                                 are all things produced by the
                                                 mind; and the mind can never
                                                perceive external reality. These
                                                are realities belonging to us

                                             * The British biophysicist who won the
                                             Nobel Prize for his co-discovery of the dou-
                                             ble helix structure of the DNA molecule

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