Page 43 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 43

Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar

               his moderate style and continued to call him my father. All
               Muslims should adopt this example of a very superior morali-
               ty when calling people to the truth.
                    He approached his father with great affection and mod-
               esty, and humbly invited him to the true path. When his father

               persisted in his denial, the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) immedi-
               ately sought refuge in Allah and removed himself. This attitude
               shows that Muslims are to work only for Allah's good pleasure,
               and to love what He loves and hate what He hates. Allah re-
               veals this quality, which every Muslim should possess, thus:

                    It is not right for the Prophet and those who believe to ask
                    forgiveness for the idolater—even if they are close rela-
                    tives—after it has become clear to them that they are the
                    Companions of the Blazing Fire. Abraham would not have
                    asked forgiveness for his father but for a promise he made
                    to him. And when it became clear to him [Abraham] that
                    he [his father] was an enemy of Allah, he renounced him.
                    Abraham was tender-hearted and forbearing. (Surat at-
                    Tawba: 113-14)
                    Another noteworthy feature of this conversation between
               the Prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his father Allah revealed in
               the verses of the Qur'an, is the latter's devotion to paganism. So
               strong was his devotion that it led him to threaten his son with
               death by stoning, a son who was of his own blood, whom he
               had raised and kept by his side, and who treated his father so
               respectfully. The only reason for his father's wrath was that the

               Prophet Abraham (pbuh) worshipped only Allah and rejected
               his tribe's paganism. This is an example of the unbelievers' cru-
               el, uncompromising, and oppressive natures.

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