Page 48 - The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
P. 48
The Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
themselves as superior and forget about Allah. Satan encour-
ages their pride and uses the power and position that they mis-
takenly consider their own, to prevent them from serving
Believers encounter many people as they spread Allah's
message. Many people, due to their pride, cannot see Allah's
might and power. In such situations, believers must give ex-
amples that show people just how helpless they really are in or-
der to eliminate their pride. As a result, unbelievers will realize
that their arrogance and pride in their possessions are of no sig-
nificance. Gradually, they will realize that their strength and
power are limited, that everything will end with death, and
that Allah is the only absolute being.
The mode of explication used by the Prophet Abraham
(pbuh) to relay the truth to Nimrod shows just how important
the use of rational, wise, and target-oriented speech is in
spreading His message. Believers must never engage in point-
less arguments; rather, they must always use effective and ra-
tional explanations to defeat the audience's superstitious be-
liefs and demonstrate Allah's existence by analyzing the audi-
ence members' psychological states and logical frameworks.
Clearly, only people with deep faith, who scrupulously adhere
to Allah's commands and who hold Him in awe, will be able to
devise such an effective and wise mode of explication. This is
true, because wisdom is a divine blessing that must be sought
from Allah. Allah imparts this secret to us, as follows:
He gives wisdom to whoever He wills, and he who has
been given wisdom has been given great good... (Surat al-
Baqara: 269)