Page 73 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 73


                 and make our feet firm and help us against these
                 disbelieving people". (Surah Al 'Imran: 147)

                 "My Lord! Make me and my descendants people
                 who establish prayer. My Lord! Accept my prayer.
                 Our Lord! Forgive me and my parents and the be-
                 lievers on the Day the Reckoning takes place".
                 (Surah Ibrahim: 40-41)
                 Moreover, believers also pray for the believers of the
             past generations, because no matter in which period or
             place they lived, believers are always brothers. We again
             find examples of believers praying for believers of past
             generations again in the Qur'an:
                 Those who have come after them say, "Our Lord, for-
                 give us and our brothers who preceded us in faith
                 and do not put any rancour in our hearts towards
                 those who believe. Our Lord, You are All-Gentle,
                 Most Merciful". (Surat al-Hashr: 10)

                 Not Mocking Others
                 In societies where the values of religion are not up-
             held, "mocking other people" does not disturb people so
             long as they are not the ones being mocked. Besides, this
             is considered "fun". For this reason, they indulge in mock-
             ery whenever they have the opportunity. What they actu-
             ally try to accomplish with such misdemeanours is to
             exalt themselves while they humiliate others. For them,
             any weakness of a human being can be the subject of de-
             rision. A mispronunciation, the physical make-up of an
             individual, lameness, obesity or anything such as sneez-
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