Page 77 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 77
that sharing one's possessions and money with the needy
is a deed with which He would be pleased. Furthermore,
when someone inherits wealth, it is recommended that he
allocate a certain share to the poor.
This is why, when believers inherit, they give relatives,
orphans and the poor a certain share. Allah's recommen-
dation regarding this is expressed as follows in the Qur'an:
If other relatives or orphans or poor people attend
the sharing-out, provide for them out of it and speak
to them correctly and courteously. (Surat an-Nisa': 8)
This practice of believers also makes manifest the ele-
vated nature of their conscience and compassion. They
never amass a fortune while they are surrounded with
many needy people.
Unlike believers, when those who are strangers to the
values of the Qur'an become heirs, let alone sharing what
thus inherit with the poor, they try to keep it a secret. That
is because, they feel concerned that once it becomes
known, many people including their relatives, orphans
and the poor would ask for help. Although they have the
means, they do not suffer the slightest pangs of con-
science to see such people in need and to leave them
unassisted. They wish to possess the best of everything
and to spend for their own pleasure. Otherwise, they feel
this is a great loss.
Believers, on the other hand, in compliance with
Allah's Will, willingly give to the needy even if they never
ask for it. Such compassion will be rewarded in the here-
after as follows:
Nor will they give away any amount, whether large