Page 79 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 79


                 when you give, things you would only take with
                 your eyes tight shut! Know that Allah is Rich
                 Beyond Need, Praiseworthy. (Surat al-Baqara: 267)

                 The justice and compassion of believers call for the
             rights of all believers to be protected; believers can never
             accept that other believers should have lower living stan-
             dards than their own and thus be in difficulties, when
             they themselves enjoy better conditions. Similarly, they
             do not allow others to consider needy people as being
             worthy only of inferior conditions. To needy believers,
             they try to provide the best conditions they can afford, so
             that they can also attain a standard of living at least
             matching their own.
                 While giving in charity to earn Allah's approval, it is
             essential to make sacrifices from the possessions for
             which one feels some attachment rather than what one's
             lower self would not like to give away. As is clear, it is not
             a sacrifice to give away something to which a person at-
             taches no importance. By listening to their conscience, be-
             lievers can readily make this distinction. They choose the
             things that are to be given away from the fine food and
             clothing they have and the possessions they cherish. This
             is a clear manifestation of the mercy and compassion they
             have for other believers.
                 The following is another verse by which Allah en-
             courages believers to give of the things they hold dear:
                 You will not attain true goodness until you give of
                 what you love. Whatever you give away, Allah
                 knows it. (Surah Al 'Imran: 92)
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