Page 86 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 86
unrest, trouble and cruelty become all-pervasive.
However, it should be borne in mind that one who is
merciless primarily causes harm to himself. One who ig-
nores the right guidance of his conscience and indulges in
cruelty can never be at peace with himself. That is be-
cause, deep inside, he does suffer the pangs of conscience.
Every once in a while, his conscience gives him pain; he
stumbles upon a person in need and recalls that he does
not help the poor although he could if he wanted to.
Similarly, every time he acts selfishly, his conscience both-
ers him. The only way to ease his conscience is to follow
its dictates. That is because, conscience is the power that
leads one to Allah's approval and the Qur'an. That is be-
cause, by nature, man attains happiness only when he fol-
lows the voice of his conscience.
No matter how the individual strives to forget or sup-
press his mercilessness or avoids acknowledging the in-
justice and unfairness around him, his conscience never
allows him to forget his cruel attitudes.
In a society in which Islamic morality is adopted,
overall peace and security prevail. People feel assured
that they will definitely receive help when they need sup-
port. Those having adequate means never leave the poor
and the homeless in despair. Children are raised in
healthy environments where they are offered due care
and love. The strong never oppress the weak. Nobody vi-
olates others' rights. Means are allocated fairly, thereby
offering everyone favourable conditions in which to live.
The number of cruel people diminish and cruelty disap-
pears. Everyone is entitled to have access to medical care,