Page 89 - The Mercy of Believers
P. 89
vated understanding of mercy, which stems from the in-
dividual's pure intention of attaining the approval of
Allah, is not limited to this world. The rewards for such
an individual also extend to the hereafter. Indeed, an at-
tribute of the people of paradise who are called to be
"Companions of the Right" in the Qur'an is their sum-
moning one another "to urge each other to compassion"
while they are in this world:
Then to be one of those who believe and urge each
other to patience and urge each other to merciful-
ness. (Surat al-Balad: 17)
As we have seen, those who live by the understanding
of mercy as defined by the Qur'an, and accordingly en-
gage in good deeds, will attain bliss both in this world
and beyond.
This book is a summons to all men and women to
think about what true mercy is and to reconsider to what
extent they are imbued with the good values of the
Qur'an which demonstrate mercy. To encourage everyone
to be patient and persistent in displaying good values and
mercy, thereby earning Allah's mercy and paradise, and
to be one of the best in the sight of Allah, are the goals to
which this book is dedicated.