Page 130 - Magnificence Everywhere
P. 130
It will be useful to go into further details of the perfect structure existing in an
atom. As you may know, electrons continue to revolve around the nucleus due to
their electrical charge. All electrons are (-) negatively charged and all neutrons are
(+) positively charged. The (+) positive charge of the nucleus of an atom attracts
electrons towards itself. For this reason, electrons do not leave the nucleus, in spite
of the centrifugal force that their speed gives them.
An atom has electrons on its exterior and as many protons in its center. Thus, the
electrical charge of the atom is in balance. Yet, both the volume and mass of the pro-
tons are more than that of the electrons. If we compare them, the difference between
them is like the difference between a man and a walnut. Still, their total electrical
charges are the same. What would happen if the electrical charges of protons and
electrons were not equal?
In this case, all the atoms in the universe, because of the extra (+) positive electri-
cal charge in the protons, would be (+) positively charged. As a result of this, all
atoms would repel each other. What would happen if such a situation came to pass?
What would occur if all the atoms in the universe repelled each other?
The things that would occur are very unusual. As soon as such a change in the
atoms took place, the hands with which you're holding this book at the moment, as
well as your arms, would be broken to pieces. Not only your hands and arms, but
also your body, your legs, your head, your eyes, your teeth, in short every piece of
your body would disintegrate in an instant. The room in which you are sitting, the
outer world seen through the window would also disintegrate. All the seas on the
Earth, the mountains, all the planets in the solar system and all celestial bodies in
the universe would vanish, having fallen apart simultaneously. No visible object
would ever exist again.
Such an event could occur if the balance between the electrical charges of elec-
trons and protons differed by as little as one part in 100 billion. The demolition of
the entire universe could occur with a deviation from this balance of one part in 100
billion. In other words, the existence of the world and its living things is only possi-
Magnificence Everywhere accidentally but was in fact planned for a definite reason. The only power Who has
ble through extremely delicate balances. (For further information see The Creation of
the Universe by Harun Yahya, Al-Attique Publications, 2001)
The truth that this balance reveals is that the universe did not come into being
created the eternal universe out of nothingness, and then has designed and
arranged it as He wished, is certainly Allah, the Lord of all the worlds, with the ex-
pression used in the Qur'an. As it is stated in the Qur'an: "He built it (the heaven).
He raised its vault high and made it level." (Surat an-Nazi'at: 27-28)