Page 132 - Magnificence Everywhere
P. 132
Throughout the book, we have witnessed the magnificent creation of Allah that
can be observed throughout the entire universe. We have examined the evidence of
creation, from the movements of a star in the depths of space to the orbits of an
atom, from the symmetry in the wings of a butterfly to the excessive care and atten-
tion a bird shows to its newborn young, from a creature that is made up of a mere
shell forming beautiful pearls to the importance of water for life on Earth.
Yet, here is an important point that we should not forget. No matter how many
examples we give, these will never be enough to illustrate the eternal power and
matchless knowledge of Allah. Allah is the only One Who has the most beautiful
names and complete power. Every order, whether you see it or not, performs every
moment with the permission of Allah. Allah creates all human beings and animate
and inanimate objects and keeps them under His control. As it is related in the
Qur'an, "...There is no creature He does not hold by the forelock..." (Surah Hud:
56) All events, as stated in the Qur'an, from the movements of celestial bodies lying
millions of light-years away from us, to the events occurring in the sun, from the
rays entering the world's atmosphere, to the progress that takes place in the Earth's
layers, from the evaporation of water on the Earth, to the leaves falling down from
the trees, are under the control of Allah. Allah, Who possesses infinite power, cre-
ates everything instantly with His infinite knowledge and puts them in order in the
most perfect way.
The creation of Allah is endless and unlimited. To grasp a better understanding,
think about yourself. You, like all other human beings, are one of billions of humans
with hands, arms, eyes, ears and legs, yet you are still different from every one of
them. Then, think about the other people who lived at some time on the Earth, from
the time man was first created until now. Until now, undoubtedly billions, maybe
hundreds of billions of people have lived on the Earth. And, although these people
also, like you, had their hands, arms, eyes and ears, none of them looked liked you.
Indeed, Allah has the power to create this many people and even more.
Allah is capable of creating many other things that man does not know or cannot
Magnificence Everywhere of creating an infinite number of creatures and an infinite number of spaces. He is
understand with his limited judgment. These are the facts that need to be thought
over in order to comprehend the matchlessness of Allah's creation. Allah is capable
also capable of creating every one of them with unique characteristics.
What befalls a person who is aware of these facts is to lead a life as Allah com-
mands and to do good to please Him. Everyone must eliminate the causes that
make him heedless of Allah's remembrance and that hamper him from thinking,
through his own efforts.