Page 16 - The World of Animals
P. 16
No doubt, it is Allah Who has created these animals together with
the features they have and taught them how to use them.
Furthermore, squirrels possess all the necessary skills and physical
attributes to reach walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and pine nuts, the
hard-shelled fruits that grow on top of high trees. As with all other
animals in nature, Allah specially created squirrels so that they can
readily attain the kind of food they need.
In wintertime it becomes hard for squirrels to find food, so in
summer they gather food to eat in the long, cold months ahead.
Squirrels are among those living beings that store food for winter.
However, squirrels are very careful while gathering their food. They
don't store fruits and meat, the kind of food that decays quickly. If
14 they gathered them, they would become hungry in the wintertime. For
this reason, squirrels collect only
durable dry fruits like walnuts,
hazelnuts and cones.
It is Allah Who gives this
knowledge to squirrels at birth
and enables them to take their
nutrition. Here, we witness one
of the attributes of Allah: Allah is
"ar-Razzaq", that is, "the One
Who continually provides
sustenance to every living being
He has created".
Squirrels store their food for
winter by burying it in various