Page 21 - The World of Animals
P. 21
six metres (20 feet) forward at a time. A rabbit can move faster
than a car travelling within the city does.
All rabbits possess these characteristics at birth. Allah has
created them as fast runners and thus enabled them to escape
their predators easily.
What do you think the answer of a rabbit would be if we were
to ask it, "Which food do you like most?" Yes, you are right! He
would certainly say "carrots." (Meanwhile, remember that carrots
are good for our eyes.) Well, do you know that rabbits live in the
warrens they dig under the ground, and that carrots grow
towards the depths of the earth? As you may understand from
this question, carrots have been created in the most appropriate
way to meet rabbits’ needs.
Also for us, human beings, Allah has made everything easy to use.
Take, for instance, the orange you eat in wintertime. If it were not
in segments, it would be very hard for you to eat it, because it is so
juicy. However, Allah, Who has created everything you see around