Page 25 - The World of Animals
P. 25
Of course not. No one could do
this. Because, we cannot do
anything unless Allah provides us
an example in nature.
Aeroplanes, for example, are
designed in imitation of the flying
systems of birds. Robots are
imitations of man's body systems.
However, our Lord has created
countless species without any previous example: Penguins living
at the south pole, lions – the kings of the savannah, dolphins,
butterflies, birds and bees, etc., in short, Allah created all
Allah, Who has given all creatures various features, has also
given dogs physical characteristics that make them different
from other living beings. For example, dogs have 42 teeth, that
is, 10 more than human beings. This way, they can grind and
break their food, especially bones, into pieces without difficulty.
Moreover, thanks to the special creation of their eyes, in
darkness dogs have better eyesight than human beings. They
can perceive moving objects from farther away. Furthermore,
because dogs can hear voices at frequencies beyond our
threshold of hearing, they notice noises from distances four
times farther away than we can. For example, a man cannot
hear the extremely high-pitched sound of the dog whistle used
to give commands to dogs while dogs can hear it easily.
The dog's sense of smell is also very keen. The olfactory
centre – the centre for smelling – in its brain is forty times