Page 79 - The World of Animals
P. 79
After mating, the female penguin
lays only one egg. The responsibility of
the male penguin is to incubate this
egg. At a temperature as low as –30
degrees Centigrade (-22 F), he tries to
fulfil this responsibility without moving
for 65 days. This is indeed a tough time
for the male penguin. Because he
guards the egg, he has no chance to
hunt. The mother penguin, on the
other hand, leaves to find food for the
coming baby.
Can you imagine waiting for 65 days 77
without eating anything? For a human
being, the result would certainly be
death. However, penguins make this
sacrifice without displaying any
impatience or boredom, and fulfil the
service inspired in them by Allah until
they complete it.
After an incubation period of two
months, the male penguin loses 1/3 of
his weight. In the same case, a human
being of 60 kilograms (132 pounds)
would lose 20 kilograms (44 pounds).
After the egg hatches, the baby