Page 82 - The World of Animals
P. 82

you already know that it is only our Lord Who can

                                     accomplish such artistry!
                                       It is easy for our Lord to create various kinds of

             birds and to endow them with features suiting their habitats. Similarly,
             it is easy for Him to create a line on their beaks or to make it disappear.

               Allah, Who has created puffins so beautifully, has also given them
             some other striking features. Now, let's continue examining these

               Once they are six weeks old, young puffins leave their parents and

             begin to fly over the open sea.
               A healthy puffin lives for about 25 years.

               Puffins can dive very deep. Do you know what awaits a human being
             who wants to dive as deep as a puffin? First of all, he needs an oxygen
             supply. Besides that, he risks his life since the pressure on one increases as
             one dives deeper and deeper. For this reason, diving requires great mastery.

             How did puffins learn the techniques necessary to keep their breath in deep
             water and to get back to the surface again? Our Lord once again shows us

             His sublimity and the uniqueness of His artistry in creation.
               Here is another beautiful aspect of the

             puffin: The mouth structure of puffins
             enables them to hold many little fish in

             their mouths. Indeed, a puffin can hold 62
             fish at a time. The mother has only one

             purpose in holding so many fish in her
             mouth: to feed her babies! So, if you see a

             puffin with many fish in its mouth,
             remember that it has a baby to feed.
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