Page 85 - The World of Animals
P. 85

special cells in their eyes are sensitive to
           dim light. The vision of barred owls, for

           example, is 100 times keener than that
           of human beings. Thanks to this

           feature, owls can see and hunt
           very well at night.

             The eyes of water fowl, on the
           other hand, have been created for clear

           underwater vision. While we can't keep our eyes open
           underwater for even 45 seconds, water birds can easily catch insects

           and molluscs in water as they plunge their heads into it. Since this is
           the only way for them to feed themselves, they must have clear vision
           underwater. For this reason, Allah has created a special structure in
           their eyes, which permits seeing underwater. Thanks to this structure,

           these birds don't have dim sight underwater; they see very clearly and
           can immediately swim towards their prey.

             Hearing is also very important for birds. Some birds have eardrums
           that enable them to hear very low sounds. Being able to see very well

           in darkness and underwater and being able to hear very low sounds
           are abilities that human beings don't possess. Indeed, we don't need

           these faculties very much, because, we can readily lead our lives
           without them. However, it is impossible for birds to eat, feed their

                                              young, and continue their lives and
                                              their race without these abilities.

                                                The ears of owls are very sensitive
                                              to sound. They have better hearing

                                              than human beings. There are hair-
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