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                            1 Encyclopedia Britannica 2001 Deluxe Edi-  1997, Say› 106.
                              tion CD, “Crusade, The Council of Cler-  24 Alan Butler, Stephen Dafoe, The Templar
                             mont”.                            Continuum, Templar Books, Belleville-On-
                         2 World Book Encyclopedia, “Crusades”, Cont-  tario, 1999, s. 70.
                           ributor: Donald E. Queller, Ph.D., Prof. of His-  25  Alan Butler, Stephen Dafoe, The Templar
                          tory, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, World  Continuum, Templar Books, Belleville-Ontario,
                         Book Inc., 1998.                      1999, s. 73.
                     3 Encyclopedia Britannica 2001 Deluxe Edition CD,  26 Langlois, in Deux Mondes, vol. 103; Henry D. Funk,
                       “Crusade, Preparations for the Crusade”.  “The Trial Of The Knights Templar”, The Builder,
                   4 Dr. Tom J. Rees, “The Story of the First Crusade”, 1999,  1916.
            27 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, The Temple and the
                    de/Overview/Overview.htm.                  Lodge, London: Corgi Books, 1990, s. 78-80.
                  5  Geste Francorum, or the Deeds of the Franks and the Ot-  28 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, The Temple and the
                    her Pilgrims to Jerusalem, trans. Rosalind Hill, London,  Lodge, London: Corgi Books, 1990, s. 81.
                    1962, s. 91.                            29 Louis Charpentier, The Mysteries of Chartres Cathedral.
                  6  Dr. E.L. Skip Knox, “Fall of Jerusalem”, 2001, http://cru-  30 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, The Temple and the
                     Lodge, London: Corgi Books, 1990, s. 65.
                  7  August C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye-  31 Ferris, The Financial Relations of the Knights Templars
                    Witnesses and Participants, Pinceton & London, 1921, s.  to the English Crown, s. 10.
                    261.                                    32 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, The Temple and the
                  8  Desmond Seward, The Monks of War, Penguin Books,  Lodge, London: Corgi Books, 1990, s. 69.
                    London, 1972.                           33 Henry D. Funk, “The Trial Of The Knights Templar”,
                  9  August C. Krey, The First Crusade: The Accounts of Eye-  The Builder, 1916.
                    Witnesses and Participants, Pinceton & London, 1921, s.  34 M. Encarta Encyclopedia 2001 Deluxe Edition CD, “Phi-
                    262.                                       lip IV (of France)”
                  10 Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, The Roberts Publishing  35 The Warriors and the Bankers, Alan Butler, Stephen Da-
                    Co., Washington, 1871.                     foe, bl.10, s.84
                  11 Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key, Ar-  36 Hikmet Murat, “Türkiye’de Masonlu¤un Kuruluflu”, Mi-
                    row Books, 1997, s. 37.                    mar Sinan, y›l 4 (1974), say› 14, s. 25
                  12 G. Delafore, The Templar Tradition in the Age of Aquari-  37 Mirabeau, Histoire de la Monarchie Prussienne, V. 76.
                    us; Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key,  38 Lecouteulx, de Canteleu, Les Sectes et Sociétés Secrètes,
                    s. 37.                                     s. 97
                  13 C. Wilson, The Excavation of Jerusalem, Christopher  39 Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, s. 5
                    Knight, Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key, s. 38.  40 Lewis Spence, The Encyclopedia of the Occult, s. 223
                  14 Alan Butler, Stephen Dafoe, The Templar Continuum,  41 Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy, s. 63
                    Templar Books, Belleville-Ontario, 1999, s. 70.  42 Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: The Secret His-
                  15 Finke, Papsttum und Untergang des Tempelordens;  tory of Mystics, Templars, Masons and Occult Societies,
                    Henry D. Funk, “The Trial Of The Knights Templar”,  1.b., London: Rider, 1989, s. 64
                    The Builder, 1916.                      43 Umberto Eco, Foucault Sarkac›, s. 403
                  16 Teoman B›y›ko¤lu, “Tampliyeler ve Hürmasonlar”, Mi-  44 Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy, s. 66
                    mar Sinan, 1997, Say› 106.              45 Ibid., s. 67
                  17 Alan Butler, Stephen Dafoe, The Templar Continuum,  46 Ibid., s. 68
                    Templar Books, Belleville-Ontario, 1999, s. 55.  47 Ibid., s. 69.
                  18 Alan Butler, Stephen Dafoe, The Templar Continuum,  48 William T. Still, New World Order
                      Templar Books, Belleville-Ontario, 1999, s. 55.  49 Ibid., s. 69.
                    19 Alan Butler, Stephen Dafoe, The Templar Continuum,  50 Ibid., s. 70
                        Templar Books, Belleville-Ontario, 1999, s. 9.  51 Luigi DiFonzo, St. Peter’s Banker, Franklin Watts
                      20 Gmelin, Die Tempelherren; Henry D. Funk, “The  Ltd.,1983
                          Trial Of The Knights Templar”, The Builder,  52 Luigi DiFonzo, St. Peter’s Banker, Franklin Watts
                           1916.                               Ltd.,1983
                          21 John J. Robinson, Born in Blood: The Lost  53 Luigi DiFonzo, St. Peter’s Banker, Franklin
                              Secrets of Freemasonry, New York, M.  Watts Ltd.,1983
                               Evans & Company, 1989.       54 Panorama, 3 Ocak 1993
                             22 Ian Wilson, The Shroud of Turin - The  55 U¤ur Mumcu, Papa Mafya A¤ca, 4.b.,
                                 Burial Cloth of Jesus Christ?.  ‹stanbul: Tekin Yay›nevi, 1987, s. 246
                               23 Teoman B›y›ko¤lu, “Tampliyeler ve  56 Victor Ostrovsky, The Other Side of
                                   Hürmasonlar”, Mimar Sinan,  Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes

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