Page 228 - Das Globale Freimaurertum
P. 228
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F Fussnoten
1 World Book Encyclopedia: "Crusades," Robert Lomas: The Hiram Key, S. 37
Verfasser: Donald E. Queller (Universität (Hervorhebung [HY]).
Illinois Urbana-Champaign). World Book 14 C. Wilson: The Excavation of Jerusalem.
Inc. 1998. Christopher Knight, Robert Lomas: The
2 Geste Francorum, or the Deeds of the Franks Hiram Key, S. 38.
and the Other Pilgrims to Jerusalem. Über- 15 Murat Ozgen Ayfer: Masonluk Nedir ve
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Accounts of Eye-Witnesses and 16 Gougenot des Mousseaux in: Le Juif, La
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Participants. Princeton & London 1921, S. Publishing Co. Ltd. 1924, S. 9.
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5 Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh: The Temple 221 und Salomon Reinach: Orpheus, S. 299
and the Lodge. London: Corgi Books 1990, (Hervorhebung [HY]).
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Robinson: Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets Hiram Key. London: Arrow Books 1997, S.
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Katkisina Kisa Bir Bakis" (Ein Überblick 131.
über den Beitrag der Freimaurer zur 23 Richard Rives: Too Long in the Sun.
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Sinan (1990), Nr. 77, S. 68 (Hervorhebung 24 Murat Ozgen Ayfer: Masonluk Nedir ve
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In: Mimar Sinan (1997), Nr. 106, S. 11 Subversive Movements. London: Boswell
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In: Mimar Sinan (1997), Nr. 106, S. 9 Subversive Movements. London: Boswell
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12 Christopher Knight und Robert Lomas: The The Occult Connection. In: Dialogue: A
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Age of Aquarius. Christopher Knight, 28 Lance S. Owens: Joseph Smith and Kabbalah: