Page 23 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 23


                                                                      (Figure 2) A
                                                                      of the mi-
                                                                      known as
                                                                      cilia taken
                                                                      under the

            pel mucus containing harmful substances at a speed of 1 centimeter (0.4
            inches) per minute toward the pharynx, where it is either expelled by
            coughing or else destroyed by gastric acids.
                 These processes, here described in general terms, are in fact so ex-
            ceedingly complex that the details of the mechanism by which millions of
            micro-hairs operate as a single entity has still not been fully understood.
            The mucus layer, mucus-producing cells and micro-hairs comprise a per-
            fect chemical purification plant that works so flawlessly that it immedi-
            ately identifies what is essential to the body and what is dangerous to it,
            and takes the necessary actions.
                 One truth is very apparent here: The air-conditioning, security and
            purification mechanisms in the nose are all examples of perfect engineer-
            ing. It cannot possibly be imagined that circulatory, respiratory and diges-

            tive system cells agreed to cooperate among themselves and draw up
            plans like engineers. It is also impossible for the systems in question to
            have come about as the result of coincidences and to produce the aesthet-
            ically pleasing human face. It is revealed in verses that God created every-

                                         Harun Yahya
                                        (Adnan Oktar)
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