Page 29 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 29


                 A Call to Reflection

                 As you sat watching television, were someone to tell you that the
            broadcast came, not from any television station, but as the result of elec-
            tromagnetic waves forming at random in the air and that the television
            had not been produced in a factory but had come into being spontaneous-
            ly over the years from the atoms and molecules in your home, what
            would you think?
                 You would probably imagine that person was joking. Certainly you
            would not take his words seriously. When you realized that they were ac-
            tually serious in making that claim, you would conclude they had lost
            their reason. That is because in that example, we are dealing with a tech-
               nological design: A television set is a device specially manufactured
                 with the aim of receiving televised broadcasts. In short, both the tel-
                    evision and the broadcasts—and every aspect of the relationship

                       between the two—have been planned down to the finest de-
                           tail. In this complex system, there is absolutely no room
                                   for chance.
                                          Yet evolutionists maintain something
                                     even more irrational. The view of Darwin and
                                     his evolutionist followers may be summarized
                                     as follows: According to their logic, the scent
                                        perception mechanism—far more highly
                                           advanced than television broadcast tech-
                                          nology and which is still not yet fully un-
                                              derstood—and the flawless harmony
                                                      between the countless scent
                                                          molecules and the nose,
                                                          came into being as the
                                                           result of so-called coin-
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