Page 30 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 30


                                                           (Figure 5)
                     Brain                                 Thanks to the flawless inter-
                                                           nal structure of the nose as
                                             Turbinate     seen in the figure, we are
                                                           able to perceive scent mole-
                                              Nasal        cules reaching us from the
                                              cavity       outside.

                                                            cidences. (Figure 5)To
                                                            put it another way, at-
                              Cavity                        oms randomly com-
              Olfactory                    ]    Mucus
              micro-hairs                                   bined to form molecules
                                            Support cell    that make up the differ-
                                                            ent aromas on Earth
                                                            and at the same time,
                Support                                     those same molecules
                                                            spontaneously brought
                                                            the nose into being, the
                                                bulb        organ which is capable
                              Axons of smell                of identifying them all
                   Basal cell                               separately and of inter-
                                                            preting what it per-
                                                            ceives. There is alleged-
              ly no plan, design or intellect involved here. According to evolutionists,
              everything happened over billions of years by means of unconscious, un-
              controlled and random events that, all combining together, eventually

              gave rise to any number of perfectly flawless systems.
                   Anyone with a little reason and common sense can immediately see
              the flaws in this evolutionist logic. The subjects described in later chapters
              of this book will fully reveal the errors that evolutionists make regarding

                                    The Miracles of Smell and
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