Page 46 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 46


              subject see, Harun Yahya, The Miracle of Hormones, New Delhi: Goodword
              Books) In addition, the information from every receptor is collected in the
              bulb, rearranged and organized to further increase scent sensitivity—in
              other words, a more perfect result is obtained than existed before.   32

                   For an analogy of this error-free communication, assume that specif-
              ic information is carried along million telephone lines, and that at a switch-
              board, the number of these lines is suddenly reduced to a thousand. In
              such an event, it is impossible that there will be no loss of the original in-
              formation or errors in its transmission. It is not possible to prevent it, even
              using advanced technology. However, scent cells continue to perform the
              same function, in a flawless manner, throughout your life. The message
              transportation in the bulb is the product of an amazing creation.
                   Recent research has revealed a great many marvels of design in the
              olfactory bulb. The connections established by olfactory cells with the
              communication units in the bulb take place with an enormous order and
              regularity. The glomerulus to which every scent receptor cell will transmit
              is predetermined, so that signals from the same kind of receptor meet at a
              particular glomerulus. Each one of the millions of olfactory cells, from dif-

              ferent areas of the olfactory region, come to one of some two thousand
              glomerules. (Figure 15) The common view of the researchers who dis-
              covered this is that data from the different receptors is installed in an ex-
              ceedingly organized manner. Each one out of millions of cells finds ex-
              actly the right one out of two thousand alternatives—which once again
              shatters all the claims of evolutionists who try to ascribe complexity to
              sheer chance.
                   Other cells in the olfactory bulb are periglomerular and granular cells,
              which go into action when the flow of messages needs to be halted, and
              are thought to play a preventive role. So complex are the control mech-
              anisms here that the system is still not yet fully understood.

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