Page 47 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 47


                                                                     (Figure 15)
                                                                     A simplified rep-
                                                                     resentation of
                                                                     the exceedingly
                                                                     complex commu-
                                                                     nications in the
                                                                     olfactory bulb.
                                                                     This diagram de-
                                                                     picts just three
                                                                     of the 1,000 dif-
                                                                     ferent types of
                                                                     cells (blue, green
                                                                     and brown) and
                                                                     the connections
                                                                     they establish
                                                                     with the mitral
                                                                     cells (yellow) in
                                                                     their own specif-
                                                                     ic communica-
                                                                     tion units (in the

                 Imagine the telephone network in a large city with millions of inhab-
            itants. Could such a network, to which millions of phones are intercon-
            nected, have come into being by itself? Could the centers or switchboards,
            to which the phones are linked, have come into existence by chance? Even
            if all the raw materials were collected together in a field and one waited
            for millions of years, would it be possible for the flawless communica-
            tions network in question to form spontaneously—as evolutionists claim?
                 The answers are evident. No matter how long you wait, not a single
            phone will emerge, let alone a whole urban telephone network. That is be-
            cause a telephone network is the product of design and engineering, and

                                         Harun Yahya
                                        (Adnan Oktar)
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