Page 52 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 52
more complex. Even the word impossible fails to do justice to its scale.
Therefore, even if evolutionists believe that scent receptors formed
by chance, that still does not release them from the quandary in which
they find themselves, because these receptors are controlled by some
1,000 genes. 41 To express it even more clearly, scent receptors are pro-
duced in the light of a pattern previously encoded in the genes. And
scent-receptor genes are distributed throughout all the chromosomes,
apart from chromosome 20 and the Y chromosome. (Figure 16) It is im-
possible for the genetic coding for a single scent receptor form spontane-
ously, or as the result of chance. If all the rational, conscious humans who
lived prior to the 20th century, and were therefore ignorant of how a com-
puter works, were collected together, they could still never write an ordi-
nary computer program. That being so, can one really expect blind, un-
conscious atoms to write the genetic codes for receptors to perceive the
aromas of flowers, fruits and countless chemical substances?
(Figure 16)
With the excep-
tion of chromo-
some 20 and the
Y chromosome,
there are scent-
receptor genes
in all human
The richest
chromosome, in
terms of scent
receptor genes,
is chromosome
The Miracles of Smell and