Page 75 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 75
To understand the scale of that blessing, imagine that the system was
the exact opposite of what it actually is. A great many foodstuffs of vital
importance to us might possess unpleasant or even revolting smells.
Imagine if water smelled like gasoline, bread like rotting meat, or cheese
like rotten fruit. No matter how hungry or thirsty you might be, it would
be a real torment to eat or drink these substances. Even eating a favorite
meal would become unbearable because of its disgusting smells.
To the heedless, the odors we’ve lived with since birth
might appear to be natural and spontaneously occurring.
But if you reflect on the details set out above, you will
comprehend the manifest truth: It is God, the
Compassionate and Merciful, Who creates the foods
and plants we need, together with their attractive
smells. Our Lord, the infinitely Pure and Provident, has
As a mercy from God, foods that ben-
efit the body have pleasant smells.
Harun Yahya
(Adnan Oktar)