Page 76 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 76
created our sense perception in line with our comfort, as is the case
with all the systems in our bodies.
With His compassion and affection, He has caused us to like ben-
eficial things and abhor harmful ones as unpleasant. Our duty is to re-
flect on the fact that God has created and blessed us with the pleas-
ant scents we perceive, and to give thanks. Those who behave in
such a way will, if God so wishes, attain the Heaven where they
will encounter the true originals of such blessings. Those who
deny God’s blessings and are ungrateful will, on the
other hand, find a mixture of pus and blood,
thorns and boiling water specially
prepared for them in Hell. These are
divine promises revealed in the
Qur’an, and are absolutely sure to
come to pass.