Page 85 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 85
umans and animals differ in the way they use their
noses. Living things in the animal world generally
use their scent perception to search for food, hunt,
communicate amongst themselves, find their way,
and to locate their mates and offspring. Birds, mam-
mals, reptiles, fish, insects and other animals have been equipped with
the olfactory systems most appropriate for the environments in which
they live.
How did these living things all come by their scent-perception sys-
tems? To think that animals themselves constructed the perfect scent-per-
ception systems in their own bodies—or that these perfect systems came
into being by chance—is clearly irrational and illogical. Neither living
things themselves nor chance can bring together such marvelous systems.
Even under the advanced technology of the 21st century and despite all
of scientists’, researchers’ and engineers’ best efforts, nothing resembling
these marvelous systems can be produced. As for how these living things
came by their olfactory systems, there is only one logical reply:
It is revealed in the Qur’an that we need
to learn from the creation of animals:
There is instruction for you in
cattle . . . . (Surat an-Nahl: 66)
And there is certainly a les-
son for you in your live-
stock . . . . (Surat al-
Muminun: 21)