Page 86 - The Miracles of Smell and Taste
P. 86


                   Dogs: Olfactory Experts
                   The scents perceived by someone walking along the street and their

              dogs are hardly the same. Dogs obtain a great deal of detailed information
              about their surroundings from smells of which their owner is quite una-
              ware. They collect information by analyzing scents left by other dogs and
              the individual scents of nearby human beings. They are able to analyze
              even the slightest smells in the air.
                   Dogs’ noses are extraordinarily sensitive: Some breeds’ scent sensi-
              tivity is up to a million times that of human beings’. 62  A few statistics will
              help dramatize this special design. In the human nose, the scent region is
                              5 square centimeters (0.775 of a square inch), but as
                                  much as 150 square centimeter (23.25 square in) in
                                    dogs.  63  And in the canine nose, there are many
                                      times more scent receptors. A fox terrier, for ex-
                                       ample, has 147 million, and a German shep-
                                       herd, 225 million.  64

                                                                         In the same
                                                                         human beings
                                                                         and dogs will
                                                                         perceive very
                                                                         smells. Dogs
                                                                         are able to
                                                                         detect many
                                                                         smells that
                                                                         we cannot.

                                    The Miracles of Smell and
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