Page 23 - Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the Quran, the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel
P. 23
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
The Events Leading up to the Appearance of
Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) in the Torah and Other
Judaic Scriptures
The generation when the son of David [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)]
comes... all the governments will be turned over to Minuth
(will embrace the religion of the Minim [atheism]), and no
preaching will avail... (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a)
In the footsteps of the Messiah [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)]... fearers of
sin will be despised, and truth will be lacking. (Talmud, Sotah
In the generation when the son of David [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)]
comes... an evil man will be honored. (Talmud, Sanhedrin 97a)
In the footsteps of the Messiah [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)]... the gov-
ernment will turn to heresy, and there will be none [to offer
them] reproof. (Talmud, Sotah 49b)
In the generation in which the son of David [Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)]
comes… [There will be] plunderers and plunderers of the plun-
derers... (Talmud, Kethuboth 112b)
... In the seven-year cycle at the end of which the son of David
[Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)] will come... the arrows of hunger will be sent
forth... a great famine, in the course of which men, women, and
children, pious men and saints will die. (Talmud, Sanhedrin
... The vintage shall fail, the ingathering shall not come. Smit-
ing upon the breasts for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine; for
the land of My people whereon thorns and briers come up; yea, for
all the houses of joy and the joyous city. (Isaiah, 32:10-13)