Page 27 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 27
The Fundamental Traits Of Hypocrites
inferior to themselves. Whatever they are blessed with, such as
wealth, fame, status or beauty, makes them feel more arrogant,
and causes them humiliate less well-off believers. The fact is,
however, it is only fear of Allah that distinguishes who is supe-
rior. Believers do not esteem such false criteria; they love and
respect others according to the profoundness of their faith, and
not for their money, physical appearance or status. For this rea-
son, those within the community of believers who grow in ar-
rogance because of their possession of such blessings can be
easily recognized.
They Speak What Is Not In Their Hearts
Another attribute of the hypocrites is their mendacity.
Having no fear of Allah, they resort to lies whenever they are
in trouble, thinking they can deceive believers. They also resort
to false excuses to avoid their responsibilities. In the Qur’an,
Allah draws our attention to the fact that the hypocrites of the
time of our Prophet (saas), who were called to defend the
Muslims against the enemy, tried to escape through lies:
What assailed you on the day the two armies met was
by Allah’s permission, so that He would know the be-
lievers, and so that He would know the hypocrites.
They were told, “Come and fight in the Way of Allah
or at least help defend us.” They said, “If we knew
how to fight, we would certainly follow you.” They
were closer to disbelief that day than to faith, saying
with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And
Allah knows best what they are hiding. (Surah Al
‘Imran, 166-167)