Page 32 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 32
But as for those with sickness in their hearts, it adds
defilement to their defilement, and they die as disbe-
lievers. (Surat at-Tawba, 125)
They Are Not At Ease, But Plagued With Doubt
A hypocrite’s mind is filled with anxiety, worries and de-
spondence. His misery afflicts him already while he is still in
this world. Effectively, they live with great insecurity and fear.
They can never attain the submission, ease and peace which
believers experience.
Hypocrites feel insecure as long as they are with believers.
Believers are those who have submitted themselves to Allah,
and, thereby, attained the peace of mind of acknowledging that
it is Allah Who removes all distress. They put their trust in
Him alone.
Hypocrites, on the other hand, suffer constantly from in-
security; they never submit themselves to Allah. They are con-
stantly fraught with the effort of justifying themselves or
passing themselves off as someone else. Such efforts involve
them in false pretences. They can therefore not be expected to
be at peace, or feel secure and at ease.
In that disquietude, they think every adversity is a design
against them. They are overly concerned that at any time they
may be exposed for their hypocrisy. In the Qur’an, the state of
mind of the hypocrites is related in the following verse, “...
They imagine every cry to be against them.” (Surat al-
Munafiqun, 4)
In another verse, Allah informs us that hypocrites are con-