Page 37 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 37
They Aim To Deceive The Believers
They Make Their Oaths A Cloak
Lying is one of the most frequently used methods hyp-
ocrites employ to conceal themselves within the community of
believers, and to cover their dishonesty. It is such that, for hyp-
ocrites, lying almost becomes a habit, and in order to bring
credibility to themselves, they resort to swearing false oaths.
They swear oaths in Allah’s name knowing what high regard
these have in the eyes of believers. Allah reveals the true intent
of the hypocrites as follows:
They made their oaths into a cloak and barred the
Way of Allah, so they will have a humiliating punish-
ment. (Surat al-Mujadala, 16)
Another verse in the Qur’an, stating that hypocrites swear
falsely, is:
... And they swear to falsehood and do so knowingly.
(Surat al-Mujadala, 14)
Being wrapped up in their own deceit, hypocrites are
greatly deluded, assuming that their lies will not be exposed or
that they will be called to account. But, according to the
Qur’an: “… Allah knows that they are lying.” (Surat at-
Tawba, 42) and “There is a sickness in their hearts and Allah
has increased their sickness. They will have a painful pun-
ishment on account of their denial...” (Surat al-Baqara, 10)
They Perform Their Prayers For Show
In the Qur’an, Allah mentions those who perform their
prayers to earn people’s esteem as follows:
So woe to those who do prayer, and are forgetful of
their prayer, those who show off and deny help to
others. (Surat al-Maun, 4-6)