Page 34 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 34
believers. When they are afflicted with sickness, for instance,
they rebel against Allah, despair of His mercy, and fail to put
their trust in Him. However, Allah informs us that none de-
spairs of Allah’s mercy except disbelievers.
... No one despairs of solace from Allah except for
people who are disbelievers. (Surah Yusuf, 87)
In addition, by His grace, Allah eases the trial he imparts
upon believers, but only for those who sincerely believe. A
Muslim, who submits himself to Allah sincerely, faces the un-
ceasing succession of tests imposed on him by Allah with secu-
rity, thankfulness and trust in Him. For hypocrites, on the
other hand, there is fear, apprehension and anxiety. Being
under the influence of Satan, hypocrites falsely assume that the
difficulties they encounter have developed beyond the control
of Allah’s mercy, knowledge and planning. Through such re-
sponses from them as, “if I hadn’t done such and such, this
would not have happened”, it becomes evident that they are
unaware of the ultimate perfection of every instant of the di-
vine plan decreed by Allah. Indeed, all is created by Allah, in
compliance with a plan, and for a divine purpose. And, what
befits a believer is to try to recognize that such a purpose has
always been ordained, and to submit himself to the wisdom of
They Are Apprehensive With Believers
Another attribute typical of hypocrites is the persistent
fear they feel. Unlike believers, who are told to “feel no fear
and will know no sorrow” (Surat al-Baqara, 38), hypocrites
live in constant agitation. They fear the exposure of their true