Page 43 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 43

They Aim To Deceive The Believers

             On account of the triviality of this world, it would not
         befit believers to be greedy or to oppose the prophets and the
             Abeliever studiously avoids being among those de-
         scribed in the verse below:
             But if anyone opposes the Messenger after the guid-
             ance has become clear to him, and follows other than
             the path of the believers, We will hand him over to
             whatever he has turned to, and We will roast him in
             Hell. What an evil destination! (Surat an-Nisa’, 115)
             A believer knows that Allah may grant him bounteous
         blessings also in this world. A hypocrite, on the other hand,
         being unaware of Allah and His blessings, seeks frivolous and
         worthless objectives, and thus degrades himself.

             They Conspire Against Believers
             If the hypocrites in the community of believers are more
         than one, they meet in private and, as the Qur’an informs us,
         hold “secret meetings”.
             A hypocrite, who strives to remain in the company of be-
         lievers, will ultimately locate others who are similar to himself,
         who are also selfish and arrogant. They form groups, try to dis-
         tance themselves from believers, and remain in each other’s
         company. They are not comfortable to be among believers, for
         they remind them of their corruption, and remind them to be
             Allah tells us in the Qur’an about the factions formed by
         the hypocrites, and the secret meetings they hold. A “secret
         meeting” is the congregation of hypocrites, without believers’

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