Page 48 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 48
vides to believers; they assess the strength of the believers
based on their outer appearance. However, believers are those
to whom Allah grants His help. At those times when they think
they are in the greatest difficulty, Allah makes them successful.
Unaware of this truth, hypocrites deem themselves to be
superior over believers. For, in appearance, they may be
wealthier than the believers, or be better off in status. Allah in-
forms us about this foolishness of the hypocrites, and that,
whatever the initial circumstances may be, believers will pre-
vail over hypocrites and other disbelievers. An event that hap-
pened in the time of our Prophet (saas) explains this situation
They say, “If we return to Madina, the mightier will
drive out the inferior.” But all might belongs to Allah
and to His Messenger and the believers. But the hyp-
ocrites do not know this. (Surat al-Munafiqun, 8)
They Fear People More Than They Fear Allah
As mentioned earlier, hypocrites behave as believers, imi-
tating while they are in their company. However when believ-
ers encounter some adversity—that is, when it is time for
self-sacrifice and the type of loyalty that would show them to
be sincere believers—the hypocrisy of hypocrites surfaces.
This is due to their cowardice. In the words of the Qur’an, they
“fear people as Allah should be feared.”
Also in the Qur’an, Allah informs us about the mindset of
those hypocrites who lived in our Prophet’s (saas) time in
times of difficulty:
Do you not see those who were told: “Hold back from