Page 52 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 52
news of Allah’s promises. The speech of a believer reflects his
full consciousness of the fact that destiny is a fact. When refer-
ring to some threat, or an unfavorable occurence, for instance,
he clearly stresses in a sincere manner the fact that the incident
is a part of destiny, and that there is certainly some good in it.
Our Prophet (saas) also stated this fact with the words,
“Everything is by decree—even incapacity and ability.” (Malik’s
Muwatta, Book 46, Number 4)
However, the speech of hypocrites exposes the sickness in
their hearts; they refer to events in a negative manner, reveal-
ing their obliviousness that Allah pre-ordains everything in its
every detail. In a sense, they are like despair-mongers. In a
mood of distress, they employ a manner of speaking of those
who are utterly unaware of the fact of destiny, and offer expla-
nations as if circumstances were showing themselves designed
against the believers. Their words, such as, “if you had not
done such and such!”, “you were unlucky”, or “it is a pity
that…”, clearly reveal this errant understanding. Such a man-
ner of speaking indicates they do not appreciate Allah’s might.
In this way, they aim to plant vain desires and deviance in
sincere Muslims. Allah warns believers against this menace,
and mentions the evil of the whisperers in the Qur’an:
Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind, the
King of mankind, the God of mankind, from the evil
of the insidious whisperer who whispers in people’s
breasts and comes from the jinn and from mankind.”
(Surat an-Nas, 1-6)
Through such a mindset, hypocrites interpret occurrences
predestined by Allah for a divine purpose as adversity, or dis-
aster, so as to distress and demoralize believers, to break their
resolve, and mislead them into despair and doubt. The fact is,
however, everything that occurs in one’s life is determined ac-