Page 58 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 58
Throughout history, hypocrites have consistently made
use of the same manner of deception. Consequently, no matter
how much they strive to justify themselves, through several
examples, Allah revealed to us this characteristic of the hyp-
ocrites so that we may recognize their insincerity. The main
reason of their attempting to provide excuses is their weak
faith and the sickness in their hearts. For a believer, of course,
such ploys are out of the question. Indeed, out of the strength
and enthusiasm they derive from faith, believers request to
confront every kind of difficulty. Without fearing anyone or
anything, they aim solely for Allah’s good pleasure. The con-
trary mindset that besets the hypocrites is related in the
Qur’an, with the account of an event that happened in the time
of our Prophet (saas):
Then when fighting is prescribed for them, a group
of them fear people as Allah should be feared, or
even more than that. They say, “Our Lord, why have
you prescribed fighting for us? If only You would
give us just a little more time!” (Surat an-Nisa’, 77)
As Allah informs us in this verse, the fear hypocrites feel
towards others is so intense that it caused them to openly rebel
against Allah’s commands. However, their attempt to avoid
conflict brought them no good. They thought they were merely
being clever by avoiding difficulty in this world yet, little did
they know, they were in great loss, because they ignored the
eternal life to come in the Hereafter.
They Spread Falsehood Among Believers
Another way hypocrites cause fitnah is their spreading of