Page 63 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 63
Their Actions Against Believers
and to cooperate with those who were hostile to them.
Although the hypocrites who founded this mosque claimed,
“We desired what was right”, their real intent was clearly evil.
What distinguished the mosque of believers from theirs was
that it was “founded on fear of Allah and His favor.” The
mosque of the hypocrites, which was founded on enmity to be-
lievers, and pursuit of mundane desires, on the other hand, is,
as the verse relates, “on the brink of a crumbling precipice
which is about to collapse to Hell.” The fitnah caused by the
hypocrites, who lived in the time of our Prophet (saas), can be
analyzed in the following manner:
They Wanted To Take Revenge From
The Believers
The primary reason why hypocrites gather after separat-
ing themselves from believers is the hatred and anger they feel
towards them. In the previous section, we mentioned that, un-
like believers, hypocrites are not bound to one another through
mutual love and respect. In the words of the Qur’an, “their
hearts are scattered wide.” This being the case, what keeps
hypocrites united is their hatred and desire to exact retribution
from the believers.
They want to avenge themselves, for as long as they re-
mained in their company, believers had warned them, re-
minded them of their failures, scolded them for their
hypocrisy, and warned that they would be repaid with Hell
unless they reverted to piety. However, out of pride, they could
not appreciate the noble morality adopted by the believers,
and harbored instead hatred and enmity towards them.