Page 66 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 66


                 Hypocrites may very well assume that believers will be
             defeated by disbelievers, and that thereby they will have their
             revenge. However, they are deluded, for as the verses also re-
             late, “power and strength belong entirely to Allah”, and Allah
             supports the believers. The attacks and plots hatched by hyp-
             ocrites and disbelievers, by Allah’s grace, can by no means ren-
             der harm upon the believers.

                 They Struggle To Tarnish The Reputation
                 Of The Believers
                 Atype of attack made by the hypocrites against the be-
             lievers during the time of our Prophet (saas) was slander. They
             assumed that slandering the believers would exalt their status,
             and justify their separating themselves from believers, as well
             as their hatred towards them.
                 They further assumed that sharing their false accusations
             they made against the believers with disbelievers would de-
             grade believers in their minds. The Qur’an draws our attention
             to this tactic of the hypocrites. The verse, “... If they [hyp-
             ocrites] come upon you, they will be your enemies and
             stretch out their hands and tongues against you with evil in-
             tent…” (Surat al-Mumtahana, 2) maintains that hypocrites at-
             tack believers with slander.  Also, the slanders they
             disseminated about our Prophet’s (saas) wife is an example of
             their treachery.
                 In addition, Allah relates in the Qur’an that hypocrites
             also mock the believers. The related verse reads:
                 As for the people who find fault with those believers
                 who give alms spontaneously, and with those who

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