Page 64 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 64
On the 74th verse of the Surat at-Tawba, Allah draws our
attention to the fact that hypocrites desire vengeance from be-
... they were vindictive for no other cause than that
Allah and His Messenger had enriched them from
His bounty... (Surat at-Tawba, 74)
However, the evil efforts of the hypocrites were in vain;
Allah turned their plots against them and surely disgraced
them. A common characteristic of hypocrites is their following
the developments of believers, to discover opportunities to
take revenge upon them. They hope for misfortunes to suc-
cumb the believers. This fact is described in the Qur’an in the
following words: “If something good happens to you, it galls
them. If something bad strikes you, they rejoice at it. But if
you are steadfast and guard against evil, their scheming will
not harm you in any way. Allah encompasses what they do.”
(Surah Al ‘Imran, 120)
They Cooperate With Disbelievers
Against Muslims
Cooperating with disbelievers is another method hypocrites
employ to exact revenge from believers. In the Qur’an, Allah
draws our attention to the fact that hypocrites trust disbelievers
and ally themselves to them:
Give news to the hypocrites that they will have a
painful punishment. Do those who take the disbeliev-
ers as protectors, rather than the believers, hope to find
power and strength with them? Power and strength be-
long entirely to Allah. (Surat an-Nisa’, 138-139)