Page 69 - The Hypocrite According to the Qur'an
P. 69
Allah Will Expose The Hypocrites And Inflict Torment Upon Them
wards one displaying hypocrisy. It is for this reason a hyp-
ocrite thinks that he can conceal himself, but this is a great
delusion. Once believers realize that that person is insistent on
remaining insincere, they turn their backs to them.
Allah informs us in the Qur’an that hypocrites will never
remain hidden:
Or did those with sickness in their hearts imagine
that Allah would not expose their malevolence? If We
wished, We would show them to you and you would
know them by their mark and know them by their
ambivalent speech. Allah knows your actions. We
will test you until We know the true fighters among
you and those who are steadfast and test what is re-
ported of you. (Surah Muhammad, 29-31)
As the verses inform us, Allah may also make the hyp-
ocrites known to the believers by their demeanor and the way
they talk. The symptoms of hypocrisy peculiar to these people,
their fear and anxiety manifest themselves in their faces and
through their speech. What hypocrites will be confronted with,
in return for their hypocrisy, is a grievesome torment, both in
this world and beyond.
Hypocrites Will Also Suffer Torment
In This World
Causing fitnah in this world costs hypocrites an eternity in
punishment. This is a torment that will begin when still in this
world, and extend into Hell beyond death.
Specifically, they will suffer spiritual torment in this
world. They live in perpetual anxiety and fear. Nevertheless,