Page 106 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 106


                lapsed. Yet that is misleading, because in a cunning manner, the
                same ideology is continuing its activities under different names in
                a great many countries of the world, and is even organizing ter-
                rorist actions in Turkey. Materialism is active in secret, and ratio-

                nal people of good conscience must not relax their guard. The in-
                tellectual struggle against these dangerous ideologies and against
                their foundation, Darwinism, is essential.

                 Darwinism Produces Followers who Regard

                                Savagery as Justified

                     Both communism and fascism are enemies of mankind. They
                order their adherents to burn and destroy, to inflict fear, doubt,
                alarm and savagery on others, to attack the military and police
                forces in their own countries, and to kill without batting an eye.
                In both fascist and communist systems, a common mindset pre-
                vails: Such human emotions as compassion, sympathy and con-
                science are entirely eliminated. Society is turned into an arena
                where wild animals fight to live and survive. Just as a wild ani-
                mal will fight to the death members of its own species to obtain
                food and territory, so human beings are expected to behave in ex-
                act the same way. Charles Darwin's dogma teaches them that they
                are essentially animals, who need to fight for survival in the same
                way that animals do.
                     In his book Evolution for Naturalists, P. J. Darlington, himself an
                evolutionist, admits that savagery is a natural consequence of the
                theory of evolution and that even this belief needs to be regarded
                as perfectly legitimate: "The first point is that selfishness and vio-

                lent are inherent in us, inherited from our remotest animal ances-
                tors… Violence is, then, natural to man, a product of evolution." 34
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