Page 103 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 103
this early day 'Great Leap Forward' in literacy would be the writ-
ings of Charles Darwin and other materials supportive of the evo-
lution paradigm. When the Chinese communists seized power
in the 1950s, they adopted the theory of evolution as the founda-
tion of their ideology. But in fact, Chinese intellectuals had al-
ready adopted it long before that: "During the 19 th century, the
West regarded China as a sleeping giant, isolated and mired in an-
cient traditions. Few Europeans realized how avidly Chinese in-
tellectuals seized on Darwinian evolutionary ideas and saw in
them a hopeful impetus for progress and change. According to
the Chinese writer Hu Shih, when Thomas Huxley's book
Evolution and Ethics was published in 1898, it was immediately ac-
claimed and accepted by Chinese intellectuals. Rich men spon-
sored cheap Chinese editions so they could be widely distributed
to the masses." 32
All these facts go to underscore the enormous error made by
those who exhibit a passive and defeatist attitude in the face of
Darwinism and either ignore or underestimate the intellectual
struggle against this perverted theory. Those who imagine
Darwinism as harmless must not forget that they are faced with a
theory that all Marxist ideologists fiercely supported, the corner-
stone of communist ideology. The easiest way for those who try
to reconcile Islam with the theory of evolution, constantly es-
poused by Marxist, Leninist and Maoist publications and referred
to by such leaders, to see how seriously they have been misled is
to keep their eyes open to the true face of the theory.
A Adnan Oktar r