Page 98 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 98
Darwinism is a State Policy for Communist
Communism, without doubt the most harmful ideology of
the 20 th century, was founded by two German philosophers, Karl
Marx and Friedrich Engels. Reaching its historic peak in the 19 th
century, it shed far more blood worldwide than the genocides of
the Nazis and imperialist states. It massacred innocents, spread-
ing violence, fear and despair. No matter if communism is re-
garded as having collapsed in 1991, it has left its wreckage be-
hind. The darkness of communism and Marxism, and the materi-
alist philosophy that averts people from religious moral values
continue to influence those societies where communism once
reigned supreme.
This ideology, which spread terror across the world in the
20 th century, actually embodied an idea that's been around since
ancient times—materialist philosophy, which regarded matter as
the sole absolute. Communism, building on that philosophy, en-
tered the world agenda in the 19 th century. Marx and Engels, com-
munism's intellectual fathers, sought to describe materialist phi-
losophy by means of a new method known as "dialectics," the as-
sumption that all progress in the universe was obtained as the re-
sult of conflict. Based on that hypothesis, Marx and Engels at-
tempted to interpret all of world history. Marx claimed that the
history of mankind was one of conflict, that the present conflict
was that taking place between workers and capitalists, and that
the workers would soon rise up and carry out a communist revo-
The earliest founders of communism, like all materialists, har-
bored a deep hostility towards belief in God. Marx and Engels,