Page 99 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 99

HARUN YAHYA                          97

               both dyed-in-the-wool athe-
               ists, thought that for commu-
               nism to succeed, it was essen-
               tial for religious faith to be

               eradicated. However, Marx
               and Engels were lacking one
               element; they needed to give
               their ideology a scientific ap-
               pearance in order to influence
               wide masses of people.  At
               that point was born the dead-
               ly alliance that led to so much
               suffering, chaos, mass slaugh-
               ter, and fighting and sepa-
               ratism that erupted in the 20 th
               century. The main claims pro-
                                                       The Origin of Species
               posed by Darwin in his book
               The Origin of Species were just what Marx and Engels were looking
               for. Darwin maintained that living things emerged as the result of
               a "fight for life"— in other words, through a "dialectical conflict."
               Furthermore, he had rejected religious beliefs by rejecting creation.
               This was an opportunity that Marx and Engels couldn't miss.

                   So great was Darwinism's importance to communism that as
               soon as Darwin's book was first published, Engels wrote to Marx,
               "Darwin, whom I am just now reading, is splendid." In his reply on
               19 December, 1860, Marx wrote, "This book contains the basis in na-
               ture for our view." On 16 January 1861, in a letter to another so-
               cialist, his friend Ferdinand Lassalle, Marx wrote, "Darwin's work
               is most important and suits my purpose in that it provides a basis
               in natural science for the historical class struggle" again empha-

                                       A Adnan  Oktar r

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