Page 31 - The Intellectual Struggle Against Darwinism
P. 31

HARUN YAHYA                         29

                      This verse emphasizes that the recreation of human beings
                 in the Hereafter will resemble their first creation. A person who
                 dies and becomes one with the earth will be restored to life
                 through our Lord's resurrection, and assume human form once

                 more after being an inanimate substance. God, Who will recre-
                 ate people's bodies out of nothing on the Day of Judgment, cre-
                 ated the Prophet Adam (pbuh), the first human being, out of
                 clay, an inanimate substance:
                      Your Lord said to the angels, "I am going to create a hu-
                      man being out of clay. When I have formed him and
                      breathed My Soul into him, fall down in prostration to
                      him!" (Surah Sâd: 71-72)
                      Thus the first creation of man resembles the recreation in
                 the Hereafter, and that will take place miraculously, in a single
                 moment, not by stages.
                      In addition, God has shown miraculous instances of res-
                 urrection to certain of His servants in this world. For example,
                 in order to show how He resurrects the dead, our Lord told the

                 people of the Prophet Moses (pbuh) to strike part of a cow they
                 had previously sacrificed. God then performed a miracle, and
                 the tribe witnessed the corpse coming back to life. This account
                 is revealed as follows in the Qur'an:
                      Remember when you killed someone and violently ac-
                      cused each other of it, and God brought out what you
                      were hiding. We said, "Hit him with part of it!" In that
                      way God gives life to the dead and He shows you His
                      Signs so that hopefully you will understand. Then your
                      hearts became hardened after that, so they were like
                      rocks or even harder still. There are some rocks from
                      which rivers gush out, and others which split open and


                                       A Adnan  Oktar r
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